Introduction Of C Language

C language is the primary language of the computer system developed between 1969 and 1973 by Dennis Ritchie at Bell Telephone Laboratories. The initial development of ‘C’ occurred in AT&T Bell Laboratories. In 1978 Brain Kernighan and Ritchie published a definitive description of the language referred to as K & R version of C. Numerous C compilers and interpreters had been written for different Operating systems. This created some minor incompatibilities among different implementations of the language. Therefore, the ANSI (American National Standard Institute) worked on a standard version of C language.

C has different data types for different types of data and can be broadly classified as:
1. Primary data types
2. Secondary data types
These data types are illustrated in the Picture…

C is an all purpose programming language. It is equally suitable for generating high level application and low level application. C language encourages the users to write their own library function so that they can extend the features of the language and C program can be executed on any type of computers. The program written in C language can be converted into machine language more efficiently. Computer games can be generated in C language which is accomplished through the usage of sound graphics. Both low and high level programming can be done in C language. C language is the address manipulation which can be done through the usage of pointers. C software is usually known as “turbo3”. C is simple, fast, and efficient, the first stage for a programmer. Finally, C is close to hardware.

Why we use C firstly?
In today’s world of computer programming, there are many high-level languages to choose from, such as Pascal, BASIC, and Java. But C stands apart from all these languages. This is due to its many desirable qualities. It is a robust language whose rich set of built-in functions and operators can be used to write any complex logic program. The C language compiler combines the capabilities of a low level language with the features of a high level language. Therefore the language is suitable for writing both system software as well as business packages & other software. You will many compilers available in the market written in C.

The general way to write program in ‘C’ as-
void main ()
   printf (“Hello”);
Here, output will- Hello

In this way, programs are written in “C”. Programs are of many types in ‘C’ as switch case programs, pointer programs, array programs, using functions programs etc. All have different uses on different places.
Finally, C is the primary basic language of Computer System…